

After playing “I’m with Hajime-kun” and “30-Second Ghost Stories That Are Scary When You Understand Them,” I’m going to play DBD.

「はじめくんと一緒だよ」 ページ↓

意味が分かると怖い30秒怪談 ページ↓

⑥日燈 斎(ひとぼし いつき)の名前を日燈 斎(ひとぼし いつき)以外の配信、動画、その他     SNS等のコメント欄またはチャット欄等に書き込むことはやめてください☆


(1) You are free to enter and exit this distribution ☆ It’s okay to come and go without any particular report ☆
(2) Don’t worry about whether or not there are any more comments or comments than the distributor ☆
(3) Please do not mention people who are not there (other viewers) ☆
(4) Please do not write anything that will lower others (distributors, other viewers) ☆
(5) Please refrain from commenting on the bottom story (such as sexually messing with the distributor or other viewers) ☆
(6) Please refrain from writing the name of Itsuki Hitoboshi in the comment section or chat section of other broadcasts, videos, and other SNS other than Itsuki ☆

That’s all. Sorry for the long post. Thank you in adva
